Monday, 2 May 2011

Can we watch Hi 5

                                                                         Blog number: Four
                                                                            17th April 2011

Recently with the weather being as wet as it has been the children have been stuck inside. Today the children were happy dancing and singing to the music when B asked if we could put Hi 5 the movie on. I said sure and we went through to find it, It took a while but we found the Video, B told me that her grandma has ones like this (Referring to the video). I explained to B that, that was how we use to watch movies before they made DVDs. G then came over to see what we were doing, I asked them if they would like to help me put the video on.

They both stood up on the chair and looked at where they would put the video, G was holding it and looked at me and said “in here?” I nodded.  G’s first attempt to put the video into the VCR was putting it in long ways but B Quickly grabbed him and said “NO! Not like that, like this” and held it the other way, (the right way) and placed it into the VCR G then pushed it in the rest of the way. 
Once it was in the screen was still blue, G said “you need the remote now” B said “no” and explained that you can push the button on the machine. They went through all the buttons on the machine until the picture started.  Then began the conversations of why the video wasn’t at the beginning menu screen. I explained to the children that when the video is stopped that is where it will stay until you play it again. G liked this idea telling me that when he watches his DVD’s at home he has to watch it from the start again.

Through this experience with technology B is helping to further Gs knowledge of how to use a VCR as she has had experiences with using this form of ICT in the past. G was also sharing his knowledge of the remote control and his understanding of using it to make the video play.
Through letting the children watch a video not only helps them gain skills to use and become more confident with technology but also “enables them to access a world of animation and imagination, story, music and movement in rich and engaging ways (Talay-Ongan, & Ap, 2005).
Rosen & Jaruszewicz (2007) discuss that children are active users of technology this was evident in the way B knew how to put the video in and the knowledge G had of what the remote control was used for. This also demonstrates the value of children’s ‘funds of knowledge’ and that what they observe at home and bring to the early childhood center (Carter & Hartherly, 2010).
Through B’s knowledge of the VCR and G’s lack of, demonstrates the fast pace that technology is evolving. Rosen & Jaruszewicz (2007) support this and suggest that experiences with technologies can afford young children with opportunities to develop skills and fluency that will be required in their future lives and the world in the 21st century.

Reference list.
Carter, M., & Hartherly, A. (2010). Helping teachers think abut technology. Exchange  press. 1 30-32.
Talay-Ongan, A., & Ap, E, A. (Eds.). (2005). Child development and teaching young children. Victoria, Australia. Thompson Social Science Press.
Rosen, D. B., & Jaruszewicz, C. (2007). Developmentally appropriate technology use and early child hood teacher education. Journal of early childhood teacher education. 30, 162-171.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the photos everyone, I wasnt able to flip them round.
